Eagle - Gorilla

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Eagle - Gorilla (001)

Nickname: Eagorilla

Eagle Power: Talons

Gorilla Power: Strength (can lift 10 times its own body weight)

Comboanimals Fun bit of information

Gorilla strength is estimated to be about 10 times their body weight. Fully grown silverbacks are actually stronger than 20 adult humans combined. Eagles have powerful talons and large hooked beaks that enable them to rip the flesh from their prey. The Eagorilla has the combined powers of both allowing them to dominate the skys and take out their prey by grabbing with their strong gorilla arms and tearing them with their beak and talons.

Comboanimals Folklore

Give a gorilla wings and the talons and beak of an eagle and what do you get? An apex predator capable of hunting all the birds in the bird kingdom including eagles.

Physical Description

A gorilla with the feathers, wings, beak, eyes, talons and stomach of an eagle. It varies in weight from a 80 kg (female) to 160kg (male) making them potentially 2-3 times bigger than the average human.

Comboanimal Information

Special abilities- its eyes allow it to see twice as far as a human. It’s powerful beak and talons can rip flesh off bone.

It is a good flyer but not as good or as fast as its cousin the eagle because Its long arms create extra wind resistance especially when flying at top speed. What it loses in aerodynamics it makes up for in better grip on its prey. It will typically grab its prey with its talons and then tear its preys limbs off with its powerful arms. It is an excellent climber and wrestler. It has poor swimming ability.

They live in family groups of usually five to 10 but sometimes two to more than 50, led by a dominant adult male (a silverback eagorilla).

Diet: Carnivore, all birds and land based animals from deer to anything as big as a human.

Habitat: They make nests on the top of the biggest of trees. Thy give birth to just one baby every four to six years and only three or four over a lifetime. Once born the baby will cling on to its mother while it flys around to hunt.

Location: Woodland in North America

Ratings Reasoning: Low friendly rating due to its apex Hunter characteristics to hunt anything smaller than it and sometimes things twice it’s size.

Comboanimals Statistics

Type: Apex predator

Animal Characteristics. (1 = Eagle, 2 = Gorilla)

Size = 2, Strength = 2, Speed = 2, Agility = 2, Attack = 1, Defence = 2, Intelligence = 2, Fly = 1, Swim = 2, Climb = 2.

Adaptability Rating: 89/100

Deadly Rating: 82/100

Friendly Rating: 61/100

Cute Rating: 47/100

Cool Rating: 81/100