Panther - Shark (great white)

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Panther - Shark (great white) (001)

Nickname: Panthark

Shark Power: Constant motion

Panther Power: Master of Stealth

Comboanimals Power: Apex Predator who never stops on land or in water

Comboanimals Fun bit of Information

What happens when you give an apex predator of the sea, a shark, the legs of an apex land predator such as a panther, you get a Panthark.

Comboanimals Folklore

Sharks are in constant motion. Panthers are masters of Stealth. Combine the two and you have a predator constantly on the move in a stealthy manner looking for its next meal. They call it the black death of the jungle

Comboanimals Physical description

A panther with the mouth, tail, skin and mass of a great white shark. It varies in weight from 1370kg for males to 1680kg for females, males measure 3.4 to 4.0 m and females measure 4.6 to 4.9 m on average making them potentially 22 times bigger than the average man.

Comboanimals Information

It’s best features are its sharp shark teeth, it constantly grows new teeth like a shark. It’s shark skin is covered by tiny flat V-shaped scales, called dermal denticles, that are more like teeth than fish scales. These denticles decrease drag and turbulence, allowing the shark to swim faster and more quietly.

They have the super speed of a panther which is about 30 to 40 miles per hour, allowing them to capture fast prey like impala and antelope. They are excellent climbers and can climb trees to hide in to pounce on unsuspecting prey. Given their stealth, speed and agility, they are the ninjas of the forest. They rely on quick, stealthy moves to catch their prey, and their initial speed is important—they quickly take down animals before they can escape.

Special abilities include a highly developed sense of smell which allows them to smell one millilitre of blood in one million millilitres of water.

It can swim at speeds of 25 km/h (16 mph) for short bursts and to depths of 1,200 m (3,900 ft). It can climb up trees and is incredibly strong allowing it to lift prey 1.5 times heavier than itself. The average top speed on land is 35 miles ( 56 kilometers) per hour. If its particularly hungry, they can go even faster and even reach up to 40 miles ( 64 kilometers) per hour.

They are solitary creatures and are extremely territorial.

Diet: Carnivore

Habitat: Rainforests that meet the sea

Location: Africa, Asia, South America and the warm seas inbetween.

Ratings Reasoning: High deadly rating when considering its incredible, speed, agility, strength and sharp teeth.

Comboanimals Statistics

Type: monster, apex predator

Animal Characteristics. (1 = Panther, 2 = Shark (Great white)

Size = 2, Strength = 1, Speed = 2, Agility = 1, Attack = 2, Defence = 1, Intelligence = 1, Fly = 2, Swim = 2, Climb = 1

Adaptability Rating: 5/100

Deadly Rating: 91/100

Friendly Rating: 1/100

Cute Rating 11/100

Cool Rating: 89/100