Eagle - Horse
Nickname: Pegasus Eagle claw
Eagle Power: Claw
Horse Power: Stamina
Comboanimals Power: Graceful flight and gallop
Comboanimals Fun bit of Information
Pegasus was a legendary horse in Greek mythology which had wings allowing it to fly. This comboanimal has wings like Pegasus but also a beak and talons of an eagle.
Combaonimals Folklore
In the times of the Native American Indian, wild horses used to run freely across the country. Today there are fences across the country restricting their freedom. These fences however do not restrict the Pegasus eagle claw, who can fly as high as an eagle. They enjoy flying and galloping. They can be spotted either flying or galloping in groups of 5-30.
Comboanimals Physical description
A horse with the wings, feathers, head and front legs of an eagle. It varies in weight from 700kg - 1000kg making them potentially 10-14 times bigger than the average adult human.
Comboanimals Information
They have the carnivorous diet of an eagle which consists of birds, fish, rabbits and foxes. Due to their large size they will eat larger land mammals such as sheep and cows. They will fly into a field of cattle and cause havoc.
When tamed by humans they will let their human ride on their back.
Location: Americas, Europe, AfricaRatings Reasoning : High friendly rating considering they can be riden by humans
Combaonaimals Statistics
Type: legendary creature, friendly
Animal Characteristics. (1 = Eagle, 2 = Horse)
Size = 2, Strength = 2, Speed = 1, Agility = 2, Attack = 1, Defence = 1, Intelligence = 2, Fly = 1, Swim = 2, Climb = 2.
Adaptability Rating: 63/100
Deadly Rating: 80/100
Friendly Rating: 95/100
Cute Rating: 43/100
Cool Rating: 77/100