Rhino - Pronghorn

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Rhino - Pronghorn (001)

Nickname: The relentless rhino

Rhino Power: Charge

Pronghorn Power: Fast Relentless Pace

Comboanimals Power: Charge which always hits its intended target

Comboanimals Fun bit of Information

The Relentless Rhino has the legs to outrun any human or animal in the animal kingdom. When it charges you, you will not be able to outrun it over any flat open spaces on land.

Comboanimals Folklore

A poacher who attacked a Relentless Rhino baby was fended off by its mother. The poacher, who was in an all terrain vehicle, was chased by the mother for over 20 miles until eventually the mother caught the poacher when his vehicle got stuck in mud. The mother then flipped the vehicle and destroyed it.

Comboanimals Physical description

A pronghorn with the head, skin and mass of a rhino. The largest weigh up to 3,500kg making them potentially 47 times bigger than the average adult human.

Comboanimals Information

The relentless rhino like it’s distant cousin the pronghorn, is the fastest land mammal in the Western Hemisphere, with running speeds of up to 55 mph. It can reach top speeds of around 55 mph and can run at a steady clip of 30 mph for over 20 miles. It could run a marathon in 45minutes where the best a human can achieve is around 2hrs.

Like it’s cousin the rhino, it will charge when provoked and even when not provoked! It will run headlong into its target and impale them with its large rhino horn and two sharp pronghorn horns.

if you want to escape one your best chance is to climb a tree or jump into water because they are poor swimmers and not great at climbing or jumping.

A group of them is called a crash. Group sizes can vary greatly. From small family units with a single adult female and her calves to larger groups of up to fourteen individuals. These herds will typically consist mostly of females and their offspring. Some males remain solitary.

Diet: Omnivore

Habitat: Savannah

Location: Africa

Ratings Reasoning: High cool rating for its potential. Mix a rhino charge with the speed and marathon running abilities of the pronghorn and you get relentless aggression.

Comboanimals Statistics

Type: runner

Animal Characteristics. (1 = Pronghorn, 2 = Rhino)

Size = 2, Strength = 2, Speed = 1, Agility = 1, Attack = 2, Defence = 2, Intelligence = 2, Fly = 1, Swim = 1, Climb = 1.

Adaptability Rating: 79/100

Deadly Rating: 82/100

Friendly Rating: 19/100

Cute Rating: 31/100

Cool Rating: 74/100